Thursday, January 20, 2011

VIM Config File

Finally I was able to change the vim configuration file in windows (yes it exists in windows too psss - even i didn't know :) )

To configure your configuration file open gvim (graphical vim) and type
(NOTE : Don't Type ESC OK!!)


it will edit your vimrc file (configuration file)

Paste the code below
if has('gui_running')
  set guifont=Lucida_Console:h16
  set noerrorbells
  if has('autocmd')
      autocmd GUIEnter * set vb t_vb=

  set backspace=indent,eol,start

  syntax enable
  set number
  set autoindent
  set tabstop=4


ESC :wq

and Volla!! Restart your Vim and you will see the changes.

The above code will fix :-

  1. Font Size
  2. No More Annoying Beeps (trust me you dont want to hear after some time)
  3. Shows Line Number next to each line very helpful.
  4. Fixes Your backspace key to work, (originally it doesnt work :o )
  5. A little bit of indentation to the line so the lines are more readable.

It took me a few hours to do this, hope you guys save your time. I'll keep updating the code here whenever I find more cooler configuration settings, so keep checking..

Cheers!! :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

HOWTO Install VMWare Tools in Backtrack 4

Finally I was able to install VMWare Tools

Here's what you do.

To install VMware Tools in a Linux guest
1. On the host, select VM > Install VMware Tools.
If an earlier version of VMware Tools is installed, the menu item is Update VMware Tools. If the current version is installed, the menu item is Reinstall VMware Tools.

2 On the guest, log in as root.

3 If your Linux distribution does not automatically mount CD-ROMs, mount the VMware Tools virtual CD-ROM image.

a. If necessary, create the /mnt/cdrom directory:
mkdir /mnt/cdrom

b Mount the CD-ROM drive.
for backtrack 4 -> do ls and see if its cdrom3. For me it was cdrom3.

mount /dev/cdrom3 /mnt/cdrom

4 Change to a working directory (for example, /tmp):

cd /tmp

5 If a previous installation exists, delete the previous vmware-tools-distrib directory.
The location of this directory depends on where you placed it during the previous installation. Often it is placed in /tmp/vmware-tools-distrib.

6 Uncompress the installer:

do tar zxpf /mnt/cdrom/V and tab it will automatically show you the actual file.

exact command is
tar zxpf /mnt/cdrom/VMwareTools-<x.x.x>-<yyyy>.tar.gz
The value <x.x.x> is the product version number and <yyyy> is the build number of the product release.

7 If necessary, unmount the CD-ROM image.
If your Linux distribution automatically mounted the CD-ROM, you do not need to unmount the image.
umount /dev/cdrom

8 Run the VMware Tools installer.
cd vmware-tools-distrib

Just Press Enter to accept the default value. Dont worry about what is being asked for now :)
The configuration file,, runs after the installer file finishes running.

And you are done!! :)
