Friday, April 15, 2011

Sed and Awk - From a Pen Testers Perspective

Today we are going to see what sed and a little bit of awk are and how we can use it in Pen Testing. I am using Backtrack 4 in vmware.

Recently a hacker group called Anonymous attacked and uploaded the whole database of the site online. Its a huge database. With some 80,000+ users and many other information in it.

Lets say we are the Pen Testers. And we just got hold of that huge database. Inside the database there are many tables, but the one that is of your interest is called - people and it has many fields, but you are interested in only the user name and its hashed password. We want to extract all the user name and its hash in this format

You certainly can't do this manually. And it doesn't suit us doing manual work, Ahmm .. CTRL-C -> CTRL-V :).

We like to do things fast and smart.... right ;)
Sed and Awk (and grep too) to the rescue!

So what is this... Sed

Sed is a Stream Editor in which we feed some text, and it processes them line by line and performs some commands which manipulate the text in the way we want. For example We can replace all " " to ":" or replace all the occurrences of the string "hello" to "hi" and many awesome stuffs.
Hold ...Hold, before you say "  big deal. That I can do with Replace All command in my Notepad"  (yeah even I thought the same before I learned Sed)

OK, Lets start the Magic Show.

Here's the link, download the gzip file rootkit_com_mysqlbackup_02_06_11.gz , and paste it in any folder in your Linux machine.

Once you have downloaded the file, rename the file so that its small

root@bt:~/blog# mv rootkit_com_mysqlbackup_02_06_11.gz database.gz

now we need to decompress the file.

root@bt:~/blog# gunzip database.gz

Now that you have decompressed it, you should have a file called database (without any .gz)

OK. Just to get a feel of how BIG the database is just do the Cat command on the database file, go have some coke, sleep and come back. :)
No, don't worry, it is possible to extract fields from this huge file in a very clever yet elegant way. Hold On, magic is about to begin.

OK. First we need to know what we are dealing with.
Open database file in Vim.
We will search for all the Create Table Statements. Do


and keep pressing "n" for next occurrence of the given string. You will notice that there are so many tables in this database. Keep going till you hit the people database. Saw? OK. Now keep going down (using down arrow key) slowly and keep noticing the fields (yeah there are many fields in this table). You will hit the insert into table and notice that the insert into line span for multiple lines.

INSERT INTO `people` VALUES (1,'admin','51a42fa118e77f95f70d4efff4395f8d','rootkit sysop','',10,0,'','','','','','',0,'','',1296966693,'',1296705113,1283501911,1296457930,1294556469,1294942812,0,0,'','','','','',-1,'P'),(2,'aaronh','7cb8b36d','Aaron Heady','',1,0,'','','','','','',0,'','',0,'',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'','0','','','',-1,''),(3,'abcdef','e80
 ..........................................................................and so on

To be sure that one line is really spanning multiple lines do the following command inside Vim
[ESC] :set nu

And it should show you the line number at which insert into is. If you are at first insert into
then the line should be 425.

Anyway the point was it is spanning multiple lines. It is important to know this. Why? Because cut command cuts per line.

What is this Cut command you ask? We will see that later in detail. The mist is about to clear. Forget Cut for now.

Now that you know what lines you want to work on i.e. INSERT INTO `people`
(Note around people is not single quotes but backtick, which lies above the tab key)

To select only particular lines from this file we will use grep command.
Grep command takes a file as input and one or more strings to match. The lines that are matched are returned from that file. There are many more features of grep (check out this command -> #man grep)

ok quit from the Vim
To quit Vim
[ESC] :q!

Oh just press CTRL-L to clear the screen. :) if you are wondering how to clear so much clutter on the screen.

OK Do,

root@bt:~/blog# grep "INSERT INTO \`people\`" database

You will see a huge amount of output even now, but don't worry we have extracted out only the INSERT INTO `people` statements.

Wait why we put those \ in front of Backticks "`" ?
Because backticks are special characters and we want linux to treat them as normal characters. To make any special character normal character we put "\" in front of them.

Ok. Now Very Important part.
Each insert into statement is inserting many values within.
(1,'admin',...),(2, 'aaronh',....) etc

To simplify things we are going to put each row of value in seperate line.
How we are going to do this? By asking sed to substitute "),(" with a newline. Why "),(" ? Because that is where your one row is ending and a new one is beginning.

So we do,

root@bt:~/blog# grep "INSERT INTO \`people\`" database | sed s/\),\(/\\n/g

Ok. Is that too much? :) Don't worry i'll explain.

  1. grep "INSERT INTO \`people\`" database 
    • What we did before.
  2. |   
    • Pipe Command. What it does is, it passes the output of one command as input to the other command. So here, the selected text from the grep command is passed as input to the sed command. Simple!
  3. sed s/\)\,\(/\\n/g
    • here s stands for substitute.
    • what to replace is told after the first /
    • i.e. to replace string "),("
    • we added \ before ) and ( so that its treated as normal characters not special characters.
    • 2nd / specifies the string to replace with
    • to replace with string is newline, i.e. \n but since \ is a special character we make it normal character buy adding one more \ :)
    • 3rd / specifies substitute all the occurrences (g = global) of the, to replace string
    • Note Replacing a string and putting a newline is something you cannot do in notepad with replace All :)
Now when you run the command, you yet cant see the output.
Append the command with a head command. By default head command outputs only first ten lines of text file given (and tail command does the opposite)

So just do

root@bt:~/blog# grep "INSERT INTO \`people\`" database | sed s/\),\(/\\n/g | head  

and this should be the output
INSERT INTO `people` VALUES (1,'admin','51a42fa118e77f95f70d4efff4395f8d','rootkit sysop','',10,0,'','','','','','',0,'','',1296966693,'',1296705113,1283501911,1296457930,1294556469,1294942812,0,0,'','','','','',-1,'P'
2,'aaronh','7cb8b36d','Aaron Heady','',1,0,'','','','','','',0,'','',0,'',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'','0','','','',-1,''
3,'abcdef','e80b5017','Ashish Rungta','ASHTME@YAHOO.COM',1,0,'','','','','','',0,'','',0,'',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'','0','','','',-1,''
4,'abel','cd779e8a','Adi A','',1,0,'','','','','','',0,'','',0,'',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'','0','','','',-1,''
6,'abm','e50624ea','alex murphy','',1,0,'','','','','','',0,'','',0,'',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'','0','','','',-1,''
7,'abraxas','7f9cc44f','Alex Mellor','',1,0,'','','','','','',0,'','',0,'',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'','0','','','',-1,''
9,'access55','e9f5bda6','WHY YOU ASK','',1,0,'','','','','','',0,'','',0,'',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'','0','','','',-1,''

I can see a faint smile on your face now :) Don't worry you will be having a strong urge to show off at the end of this tutorial. Just a few steps more.

Ok. Before we extract out the user and  password. You need to know what is cut command. The cut command works on field seperators.

To understand how cut works before we contd, lets take an example. Do

root@bt:~/blog# cat /etc/passwd

All the fields in this file are separated by ":". Userid is the first one, 2nd password, 3rd uid and so on.

What if you want to extract only user and uid from this file?
This is where cut comes into play. Cut command works on field separators, for each line. By default field separator is space but we can specify any character as field separator.


root@bt:~/blog# cut -d":" -f1,3 /etc/passwd 

Nice.. Now we are gonna cut each line by comma. Why? Cause each field is seperated by commas. We want user and hash which is 2nd and 3rd field if the field separator is ","

So we do

root@bt:~/blog# grep "INSERT INTO \`people\`" database | sed s/\),\(/\\n/g | cut -d "," -f2,3 | head

I have put cut command before head. We are simply saying to cut as
field seperator , ( -d "," )
and select only column 2 and 3 ( -f2,3)
and pass it to head so that we get first ten lines only (its easy to see output and be sure that the command is working)

It should give


Now we just need to remove those single quotes.
You know what to do :)

root@bt:~/blog# grep "INSERT INTO \`people\`" database | sed s/\),\(/\\n/g | cut -d "," -f2,3 | sed s/\'//g | head

i.e. replace all (/g)
single quotes ( /\' as Single Quotes is a special character)
with Nothing ( // )


Last thing, and its Game Over, replace "," with ":"

root@bt:~/blog# grep "INSERT INTO \`people\`" database | sed s/\),\(/\\n/g | cut -d "," -f2,3 | sed s/\'//g | sed s/,/:/g | head

:) Done!

You can now remove the head command to check if its working for all files.

root@bt:~/blog# grep "INSERT INTO \`people\`" database | sed s/\),\(/\\n/g | cut -d "," -f2,3 | sed s/\'//g | sed s/,/:/g

Wait there's more.
What if you want hash first and user name later? i.e.


With sed you can do, but its too complicated.
Meet Sed's Elder brother Awk. Awk is more powerful (and more complicated). Awk is used mainly for data extraction and reporting tool.

So do,

root@bt:~/blog# grep "INSERT INTO \`people\`" database | sed s/\),\(/\\n/g | cut -d "," -f2,3 | sed s/\'//g | sed s/,/:/g | awk -F':' '{print $2 ":" $1}' | head

What we did?
-F is like -d in cut command, i.e. specifying field separator.
Each field is put in $1 $2 $3 etc, where $1 is username here and $2 password.

By '{print $2 ":" $1}'
we are asking it to print it in reverse order. Don't give Comma in between $2 and $1 as it will replace the field separator with space.

Output ->


Now just redirect the final output (without the head command) to a file.

root@bt:~/blog# grep "INSERT INTO \`people\`" database | sed s/\),\(/\\n/g | cut -d "," -f2,3 | sed s/\'//g | sed s/,/:/g | awk -F':' '{print $2 ":" $1}' > output.txt

With > output.txt we are redirecting the final output of awk command into the file i.e. output.txt rather than on the terminal.

Now just for curiosity, to count the number of users we got we do

root@bt:~/blog# wc output.txt
81450   82345 3145329 output.
wc  command prints
1) newline
2) word
3) byte
counts for each file

So we have 81450 users in this final output.txt Pheww Thats a lot!



Super Crisp Command Mode

Above command has Total 6 Commands (excluding > output.txt) i.e.

grep "INSERT INTO \`people\`" database
| sed s/\),\(/\\n/g
| cut -d "," -f2,3
| sed s/\'//g
| sed s/,/:/g
| awk -F',' '{print $2 $1}'

Do you think we can crisp it down to only 2 Commands!!
No, I am not crazy. It is possible.
Why do I want to do it? Just cause we can ;)

Wanna See ? :)
Here's the command

root@bt:~/blog# sed -n /"INSERT INTO \`people\`"/s/\),\(/\\n/pg database | gawk -F\' '{print $4 ":" $2}' | head

[ Head command is for you to see the short version of the output, not required though ]

What is going on? Thats for you to figure it out.

Have Fun. :D

Here are the references that was made during the writing of this tutorial.
  1. Sed
  2. Awk
  3. Basic Linux
  4. Grep
  5. Anonymous
  6. Sed & Awk Book
  7. HackingDojo